Physical Practices
Wolff’s Law states that bones remodel and grow in response to the forces that are placed upon it. -google scholar
Loren Fishman, M.D. one of the leading experts on yoga and osteoporosis used this theory when he conducted a study using yoga to help build bone density.
The peer reviewed results of 741 students over 10 years showed significant improvement in density in the spine and femur.
Here is a link to the published study in Geriatric Rehabilitation Journal
For further information on Dr. Fishman and his work;
Susan is a certified Fishman Method teacher. She has been practicing herself and teaching the poses in the Fishman method.
Exercise is Essential
for bone health
Yoga has a unique way of stressing the bones when we engage the muscles, it is weight bearing and the unique angle of the bones creates a gravitation pull without stressing our joints compared to an exercise that is repetitive like running.
The Physical section guides you to help stimulate the bones through the physical practice of yoga.
“I am convinced that if all the world did yoga, Earth would be more peaceful, if only because we would all be devoting part of each day to improving ourselves.”