Cooling Breath

6 min class

This breath practice is cooling to the nervous system and the body. It is good for calming irritability, anger and excess heat in the body.

susan kjesbo
Create Calm

14 min class

This breath practice is helpful for practicing breath ratios and moving towards a lengthened exhale. It is calming on the body.

susan kjesbo

7 min class

This breath practice is down regulating for the nervous system. It is beneficial for lowering blood pressure and insomnia.

susan kjesbo
Lengthen Your Exhale

3 min class

Lengthening your exhale can help to shift your nervous system from sympathetic to parasympathetic or into “rest and digest”.

Sara Forte
Diaphragmatic Breathing

3 min class

Diaphragmatic breathing is also know as belly breathing. It helps to lower stress levels and reduce blood pressure.

Sara Forte