Stress Reduction Practices
Our bones need a balanced environment to be healthy. Stress has adverse effects on our health including our bones. Yoga for Bones is not just a home for your physical practice but also to help you down regulate.
Meditation helps to relax the mind, reduce stress, anxiety and depression. It rests and rejuvenates the entire body, strengthens the immune system, improves sleep, eases chronic pain, improves cognitive function and happiness.
Meditation is a practice. Don’t get discouraged but rather cultivate a desire to practice each day if even for just a few minutes and over time those minutes will grow…but you have to do the work to feel the benefits.
It has been one of the most profound parts of my yoga practice.
Pranayama or breath practices is the fourth limb of the eight limb path of yoga. It is the practice of energy control.
When we practice pranayama it helps to improve our breathing mechanics, calm, center and increase our energy. In a relaxed practice we can focus on the inner flow of energy which helps to bring us into stillness and can deepen our meditation. We can use the breath to uplift our state of consciousness… breathe in joy or strength and exhale out the opposite qualities of sadness or weakness.
Practice pranayama for vitality and also to help down regulate your nervous system when feeling stressed or anxious.
Restorative yoga
Restorative yoga promotes physical relaxation which helps us to move into our para-sympathetic nervous system. The more we practice the easier our nervous system can move into that down regulation.
It can reduce cortisol levels, open tight muscles, reduce tension. It is also good for insomnia and recovering from illness.
In the Stress Reduction section are ways to help support your nervous system.
“By the practice of meditation, you will find that you are caring within your heart a portable paradise”