How we pick up objects is important when we have bone loss especially when it is in the spine. Watch how you move throughout your day and your body mechanics. Lets let our movement support the body in a healthy way.
4 min. class
These poses are not Bone Strength poses but you may find them helpful.
How we pick up objects is important when we have bone loss especially when it is in the spine. Watch how you move throughout your day and your body mechanics. Lets let our movement support the body in a healthy way.
4 min. class
Puppy pose is a great alternative to Childs pose if bending your hips or knees is difficult or uncomfortable. The spine stays long in puppy pose so it is safe for bone loss. Use this as alternative to childs pose to lengthen the spine.
1 min.class
Childs pose is a common yoga pose. When done without modifications it is easy to round your spine which is contraindicated. This video will show you ways to keep your spine lengthened if you choose to come into childs pose.
2 min. class
Circle of Joy is a sequence that takes your shoulders through a full range of motion. It helps to release tension in the upper back and connect to your breath.
3 min. class
When we come into standing poses with our from knee bent it is important that the knee not go beyond the ankle. With the use of the wall and a block alignment is easy to find and the block also help to maintain that alignment while muscles are engaged.
3 min. class
This is just the arm portion of Eagle pose. This can release tension in the upper back and also keep mobility through the shoulders.
3 min. class
Sometimes our calf muscles get tight. This simple stretch can help to lengthen through the back of the leg. With better range of motion the standing poses are easier. Your balance is also challenged a bit.
3 min. class
This sequence is helpful for strengthening ankles which is important for your balance. It also challenges your balance.
3 min. class
Parachute is a great way to open the chest muscles and release through the trapezius muscle. This is a good pose to practice for your posture. You will need a long strap, preferable a 10’ strap.
3 min. class
Down dog is a pose frequently done in yoga. Coming in and out of down dog causes many yogis to round their spine. Try this version at the wall to help maintain a neutral spine.
2 min. class
Cat/Cow is a pose done in many yoga classes. With bone loss, the Cat position rounds the spine which is contraindicated. Watch to see modifications.
2 min. class
This variation challenges your balance without the worry of falling. It helps to strengthen your core muscles.
3 min. class
We can sometimes carry so much tension in the top of our shoulder it feels like rocks. Roll out and release tension and increase mobility.
4 min. class
These muscles get tight when we are on the computer and cell phone. Come roll out and help improve posture and freedom in your body.
10 min. class
When we sit we can become tight in the muscles around our hips. Rolling out is manipulating the fascia which can result in greater circulation, greater mobility as well as relaxing for the nervous system. Roll out and find out if you are holding tension there.
3 min. class
Rolling out the soles of the feet helps to sooth tired feet, increase circulation and feel connected to the ground. Sometimes it can also help with balance when someone is disconnected from their feet.
5 min. class
Plank pose is a bone strengthening pose it is just not in the classic or second series. You might build strength in plank pose first before attempting side plank if side plank is difficult.
2 min class